Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Harper's Seven Lately

We have been super busy lately. Not with anything fun, mind you...with lots of sickness. We've been in and out of the doctor's offices, taking off work, relying on grandparents. It has been a rough week and a half that has ended in a "lovely" rash of some sort...cause unknown. In the midst of all that, Harper has still been a sweet little girl! Here's the proof...the last 7 pictures of Harper on my phone.

October 23...Harper lost her pants. And is driving backwards while standing up. I think we're in trouble. Heehee. 

October 21...loving "Row, Row, Row Your Boat". I think Mommy sang this 15 times and Harper continued to sign "again"!

October 20...Harper has moved onto driving bigger cars!! 

October 19...celebrating Auburn's victory over Texas A&M with a little drive! 

October 17...Day 4 of pneumonia and feeling like a little stroll. Backwards and in pajamas, of course. You can see in her little eyes that she's not feeling up to snuff. 

October 15...Mommy got to stay home with this little pneumonia girl. She is so sweet...even when she doesn't feel well. 

October 14...Right before Dr. Burns came in and Harper burst into tears. Also before Harper was a brave little thing having a chest x-ray bc she screamed the entire time Dr. Burns was trying to listen to her lungs. Thankfully, she cried. Thankfully, Dr. Burns ordered an x-ray. That x-ray found a patch of pneumonia!

That's the last 7. Our sweet Harper is on the mend. She has a random rash, again, but is otherwise acting quite normal. I am so blessed by her sweetness and the wonder that fills her eyes as she takes in the world around her! I am so thankful to be her mommy!! 


Hallie's Seven Lately

Here are the last 7 pictures of Hallie on my phone...and what she has been up to in the last couple of weeks. 

Oct 20--Hallie received a Bible along with the other first graders at church. So special! 

October 19...Riding her bike on a chilly afternoon...after Auburn beat Texas A&M 45-41!! War Eagle!!

October 19 AM--Hallie wanted to play school. I laughed and said that I play school all week, that I'm going to play Mommy and fix breakfast. Then I found this. :o)

(An extra...I thought you should see the perfect student, Moe...complete with a star sticker on his hand!)

October 17...Hallie loves all things tiny...including modes of transportation. 

October school...picture day! 

October 15...a wiggly tooth!! 

October 11...Out of Dress Code Day for perfect attendance during the first 6 weeks! 

And those were the last 7 pictures of just Hallie on my phone! She's a pretty cute little girl! So thankful for be her mommy!! She is an amazing little girl. 

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Beep beep!!

Move over! There's a new baby behind the wheel! :o)

For months, we have been trying to get Harper to ride in the Little Tikes car. She would reach for it, but once up close she didn't want to have anything to do with it. The other night, Hallie and her friend, Ren, were racing down the driveway. Harper started reaching for the car. I got it out for her...and she got in! She started trying to push it forward by rocking down the driveway she "raced". She loved it! Yay! She has driven a few more times since then, so everyone in Waco had better watch out! 

Fall Carnival

Our school had its fall carnival last night...I'm not in on the behind the scenes for it, but I think there was a good turn out. I know that Hallie and one of her friends from another school had a blast! It was a fun little evening. I just wish the weather had been a little cooler! :o)

Daddy came to pick up Harper and Hallie smashed a confetti egg on his head. :o)

The night was a hit! And afterwards, Hallie went home with her sweet friend for her first ever "spend the night" adventure (aside from family)! She was ecstatic! She said they stayed up almost all night long (got a text from the mom around 9:00...they were already in bed asleep--ha!)!! Precious times! Sweet memories!