Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sunday Fun

We awoke Sunday knowing that Nonna and Pop had safely gotten back to Alabama. We began the day with questioning calls from Hallie..."Nonna? Pop?" When she realized they weren't anywhere to be found (I wish we had've found them hidden in Hallie's hiding place!), Hallie moved on to something entertaining...climbing on one of the many boxes filling our house at the time. Just as we had sat down for breakfast, Hallie quickly scarfed hers down and asked "Down, peese". She had spotted a box to climb on. To her surprise, she climbed up and saw herself in the toaster. The first sight was the best! Of course, she kept popping up and saying "boo!" to herself. Luckily the camera was close by!

After church, we headed to Gramps's and RaRa's for lunch--yummy grilled hotdogs that we got to enjoy on the patio in the wonderful fall weather. Hallie kept us entertained pushing around her (empty) doll stroller in the crunchy leaves.

We are so thankful to live closer to town! After lunch, we headed home. Hallie got a late nap, Jonathan ran some errands, and I got lesson plans written. After supper and playing, Hallie was ready for bed. But not before doing her homework! Hallie really loves to write lately. She has moved from scribbles to circles and is starting to draw lines. It is so amazing to see her grow and learn so much every day! What a little (BIG) blessing she is! I just hope she doesn't always hold her "pencil" in the manner she does now! Yikes! That's painful for a teacher to watch. :o)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, how we wish she could have found us hiding in her favorite hiding place, too. We miss her (and ya'll) :-( so much! But, thankfully, we'll get to see you again in a couple of weeks! Yeah! I love her writing in her new chair. :-) Love ya'll. Nonna & Pop