Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Adventures in Lenox Square Mall

After riding The Pink Pig, everyone was ready for lunch! We headed to the Food Court at Lenox Mall...I guess everyone had the same idea we did b/c there were a million people there. Then I remembered..."Black Friday". Do you know we were in this fabulous mall and we didn't do one bit of shopping. Nothing! That's OK...we had a great time!

While heading to the Food Court, I was blessed with the most wonderful surprise. I noticed a girl walking by, looking at Hallie. I stared briefly, letting her face register. As she passed, I realized it was a sweet friend from World Changers. I quickly turned around and yelled "Audrey", letting several people give me a "you're crazy" look. Old friends embraced in an "I can't believe it" hug. It was so wonderful seeing Audrey! We met during the summer of 1995 (is that right?). We were on the same work crew for World Changers and became fast friends and have been in touch (although not always that great) ever since. I hadn't seen her since her wedding several years ago! Since then she has welcomed three beautiful children. Her mom was with her shopping, so I got to see her sweet mom, too. It was such a wonderful surprise! It was so great to see you, Audrey! I asked Jonathan to take a quick picture...and although it's blurry, I'm still posting it.

Sweet picture

Sweet friend! It was so great seeing you, Audrey!

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