Monday, May 12, 2014

Easter 2014

WI'm pretty behind in my blog I'll just start pretty close to the present. A couple of weeks ago, we celebrated Easter. It was a beautiful day to celebrate our Risen Lord. We did Easter baskets for the girls before church and are lunch with Gramps and RahRah after church. Jonathan's parents got Ressirection Eggs for the girls, so that was pretty special. Jonathan read through all the eggs, and each egg had something that symbolized Christ's journey to the cross. The last egg to be opened was empty. We know God is working in Hallie's heart. She has been asking a lot of questions about God, Jesus, and Heaven. We are praying for her heart to seek Truth and for it to open wide to Jesus's calling. 

Easter baskets from Nonna & Pop. 

Baskets from Mommy & Daddy

He is Risen! He is Risen indeed!

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