Saturday, November 21, 2015

Don't Stop Believing

I won't give up on my little corner of the internet.  I just will not! :o)

Catch up, Catch up!

On August 2, Harper turned three.  And five days later, she broke her arm...again...right before her birthday party.  She, Hallie, and Ren were outside playing.  Hallie was on the disc swing and told Harper to move. Harper did not move.  Hallie totally knocked her down and she landed "just right" on the same arm she broke  eight months earlier.  Sigh.  Thankfully, she knew what to expect and bounced back quickly.

At Urgent Care after having her arm x-rayed.

If she breaks her arm for a third time in the next 12 months, she'll need to have an MRI to rule out anything that could possibly be causing the arm to break so easily.  The doctor didn't seem to concerned, though...just called it a freak accident.  Perhaps we should teach Harper to catch herself when she falls.  Ha!

Harper's birthday morning!

Harper is THREE!

Harper's Mermaid Cupcakes

 Hallie, Harper, & Esther Margaret

The girls with Gramps & RahRah

Making a wish!

The following weekend, we changed Harper's Splash Park Mermaid Party to a Mermaid Yogurt Party at USwirl.  It was one of the best parties!  So simple, laid back, and enjoyable.  We'll be having more parties at USwirl in the future! :o)

Daddy even changed the mermaid on Harper's birthday invitation so the mermaid wearing a little sling. :o)

 Nonna & Pop got to celebrate Harper's birthday party with us!

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