Friday, February 4, 2011

Snow Day...for REAL!

On Tuesday when I saw "Waco ISD closed" running along the bottom of the screen on the local news channel, I was a bit confused.  Sure, it was 16 degrees with a wind chill of 7, but there was no precipitation the night before.  The roads were FINE!  It was just COLD!  I didn't complain, though.  But when I looked out our back window and saw it covered with a few inches of the white, fluffy stuff, I wasn't surprised at all to see we were closed today!  I gladly turned the alarm clock off and snoozed an extra couple of hours!  Once we were up, Hallie was ready to play!  Charley always goes outside to do his business first thing.  We open the garage and he takes off.  This morning was a little different...notice the circle that was made with little doggy feet in the first picutre!  He stepped out and immediately ran back into the garage to survey the situation.  After he figured out that it wasn't going anywhere, he ventured out into the snow and ended up playing in it quite a bit!

Hallie and I bundled ourselves up and headed out into the snow...I'm talking LAYERS because it was still 20 degrees this morning!  We played outside for probably an hour before deeming ourselves completely frozen.  Then we headed inside and warmed ourselves up with some marshmallows covered with hot chocolate. :o)

It has finally made it above freezing for the first time in 3 days.  It won't last long, though, b/c the temps are going to start dropping after the sunsets and then all that melted snow will refreeze.  Hopefully I can manage to get some sweet tea before that happens!  We'll see!

Charley rethinking his adventures before finally deciding to head out into the snow.  If he'd wear doggy clothes, he'd be much warmer.  He's much too cool for that.

Snowy house

Hallie stepped out of the garage and immediately threw herself onto the ground!  Ha!  She meant business...she was going to make some snow angels!  And then she began eating snow (her favorite thing about snow)!

Daddy got to join in the fun before heading to work...we got a Rubbermaid container and pushed Hallie down the driveway.  Great fun!

 And then we built a blob. :o)

Hallie cleaned off the bench for a photo op. lol

Hallie and Charley

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