Sunday, December 6, 2009

Whitney Day 4

Whitney has been visiting every night since December 1 but I have not done a very good job of documenting the fun she brings! :o)

Day 1: Whitney hid under the tree and brought Hallie a princess book. We read that book EVERY night...Hallie loves it!

Day 2: Whitney hid in the toy box and brought Hallie a miniature Fisher-Price ball popper (like a little keychain).

Day 3: Whitney hid on the Christmas tree and brought Hallie a princess wallet with $1 in it! Hallie loves it b/c now "we all have a wallet" she said. :o)

Day 4: Whitney hid in Hallie's microwave with a
Hello Kitty necklace and ring.

Hallie is so sweet and always thanks
Whitney for bringing her a surprise. :o)

Day 5: Whitney acknowledge the REAL reason (with
a new chap-chap) for the Season--the birth of Jesus Christ!

1 comment:

The Coker family said...

I love that Whitney brings treats, not mischief, unlike some elves I've heard of!
Hope ya'll have a Merry Christmas!