Wednesday, November 16, 2011


 Two weeks ago, Hallie had homework.  They were studying Native for show-and-tell they had to make an Indian headdress.  Also...all the cute little preschoolers had been given Indian names of their own.  Hallie was KoKo.  Fit her to a T!  Ha!  Hal and I went to Michael's to do a little headdress shopping when I realized I didn't have *any* of the things Hallie wanted for her special task.  This turned out to be one fairly expensive headdress!  She had so much fun making it...lots of concentration on her part to get it just right.  Daddy helped Hallie make her headdress just perfect. :o)

Fixing the front...Hallie placed all the jewels in just the right spot and made a jeweled "H" on the very front with her flower. :o)  She makes me smile.

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