Monday, March 12, 2012

Alabama Bound

We headed to Alabama in the yucky rain early Saturday morning (March 11).  I don't know why I always forget that half the battle of getting to Alabama is actually getting OUT of Texas.  We trudged on...and a little after lunch time, we hit Louisiana.  We took a little break at the rest stop and let Hallie get some wiggles out (and let's be honest...Nonna and I needed a stretch break, too!).

After getting through Louisiana (which didn't take nearly as long as getting to LA), we trucked it on through to Mississippi.  We got there just at sunset, and it was beautiful!  Hallie wanted to stop at the river, and so we obliged--plus we needed another stretch/potty break.  By this time, Hallie was absolutely wild.  I mean WILD!  She hadn't napped at this point at all.  

Hallie and I walked up to the little walk-across bridge to look out on the Mississippi.  This picture was taken just before I nearly had a heart attack.  Hallie said, "I'm going to slide down this hill."  Remember how I said she was wild?  Yeah...I all but had to grab her arm b/c well, if you've been here, you know that this spot isn't actually a's more like a drop off to a little concrete driveway.  Good grief, that child! :o)

I do love this sweet face. :o)

Running across the walk-across bridge...probably hoping to not get back into the car!

We carried on with minimal stops all the way to Heflin, Alabama.  We stopped at the Alabama rest area to change drivers, but since Hallie was asleep and it was dark/late, we didn't snap a picture.  We thankfully pulled into my parents' driveway at 11:30 pm.  Whew.  What a long ride.

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