Sunday, June 10, 2012

iDance 2012

(Warning!!  Picture Overload to come!)

This has been a wonderful dance weekend at Joy's School of Dance.  Yesterday morning, Hallie had her dress rehearsal on the "big stage", practicing for today's recital--"iDance".  Yesterday's practice left many of the moms (including myself) scratching their heads, wondering if they had been practicing a routine at all (which we know they had...we watch them every week).  Honestly, we were all a little nervous for today's performance.  I'm telling you, Jonathan (b/c he went to the rehearsal to video it) and I were both blown away...the little dancers did a fantastic job!  Of course, I couldn't take my eyes off Hallie...and when she finally spotted us in the crowd, she had the sweetest little smile on her face.  I was completely teary-eyed during her entire dance.  It was so sweet, and Hallie did a wonderful job dancing this afternoon!  Goodness, gracious...I sure do love that sweet girl!

Hallie doing "swaves" (ballet sways). :o)

The whole class...sweet little ballerinas dancing to Belle's Tale as Old as Time.

First position.

Time to Twist and Shout!

Sweet Dance Friends!
Lily, Ivy, Hallie, Caroline, & Rebekah

Hallie with her dance teacher, Miss Sam.

Sweet friends--Caroline & Hallie

Lining up for their first dance!

So excited!  I absolutely ADORE this sweet little girl!

Playing in between dances--Lily & Hallie

Ready to do her tap routine!

After the show--flowers from Daddy!

Grampsy couldn't make it--he had a gig.  But he sent his love by RahRah via sweet pink roses. :o)

Hallie & RahRah

Our sweet little dancer!
Flowers from Daddy & Grampsy, and Winky (the kitty) got a recital outfit from Nonna & Pop. :o)

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