Sunday, March 31, 2013

Habby Rock

My niece's have a radio show--The Habby Rock show.  It's a Bible story show for kids.  While we were at home, Hallie got the chance to go to the radio station and see what it's all about.  They had a full house of guests that day, so it was pretty busy.  There was a sweet little girl Hallie's age who was blind.  She fell in love with Harper and is one of the funniest, sweetest little girls I have ever met!  Talk about full of love!  It was a fun experience and fun to see my brother and nieces in action. :o)

Breakfast time at the station.

My brother in action.

Harper & Uncle Kelly


Abby & Harper

HG hiding out.  Ha!

Hallie and her Habby Rocks.

Nadia & Harper

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